Sensory Enrichment
This evidence-based, neuroscience program is revolutionizing quality of life for our loved ones. There is a vast array of applications for Sensory Enrichment Therapy because it supports brain repair, boosting, and development using the body's innate and complex process of neuroplasticity by enriching an individual's environment in just minutes a day using simple household materials.
It also helps to balance neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine naturally, safely, and effectively. Changes can be observed within the first two weeks, often sooner! ​Check out the key features and benefits of the program:
No Term Contract
Effective for All Ages
Optimal for 3 to 12
Caregiver Led
Helpful for Siblings
Homeschool Help
Sensory Enrichment Therapy (SET) helps children and families with...

Loss of relationship
Child of divorce
Teen challenges
Social anxiety/skills
Coping with stress
Emotional regulation
Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA)*

Anger / Aggression
Picky eating
ADHD or suspected
Autism / FAS / GDD
Hyper / impulsive
Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD)
Sibling interactions
Mental health due to physical challenge
Down Syndrome

Post-partum anxiety / depression
Infant loss
Infertility stress
Prenatal alcohol/drugs
Caregiver burnout
Foster / Adoption
Separation anxiety
Mood disorders
Meltdowns / tantrums

Communication / Speech
Memory / attention
Independent play
Learning challenges
School behaviour
Motor skills / balance
Cognitive challenges
Sensory Processing
Obsessive Compulsive
*Click here for a blog testimonial with Sensory Enrichment Therapy about a family with challenges with AUTISM including aggression and severe meltdowns, ADHD, and ODD / PDA